Shareholder Category Price 3,00,000 Taka Only

Safe Kabla Registration of 36 SqFt in Centara Grande Tower for Shareholders upon full payment

Monthly 2500 Taka assured return upon full payment for first 2 years

Free Entry to the Resort for Lifetime

Shareholders will be entitled to Free 3 Nights stay per year for Lifetime on Centara Grande Tower

25% Discount on Food and Beverages

An opportunity to earn from the farming project for Lifetime

Club members and shareholders are entitled to discount on projects of Elegance Holdings Ltd upto 5 Lacs

Shareholders can sell their Share later on after 2 years

Year-round wholesale rate on poultry and eggs

Shareholders can rent additional nights of accommodation at 25% Discount on room rate

25% Discount at The Country Club Facilities

Cows and Goats will be available for Qurbani at costing price

Access to Farm Grown Vegetables and meat at Discount Price

Access to Safe and Chemical free vegetables, fish and meat

Once the Resort gose into full operation, Sharehilders will enjoy the yearly Profit and Rent share